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WPCA Approved Minutes, Regular Meeting 09/01/2009


Members Present:        Joseph Carino and Frank Ferrero

Members Absent: Richard Aries, Robert Dickinson, Carol Fletterick, Ed Havens, Jr., and Michael Patitucci

Alternates Present:     Thomas Deming sitting in for Richard Aries
                        Richard Siedman sitting in for Robert Dickinson

Staff Present:  C. Fred Shaw, Superintendent of Pollution Control
                Ether A. Diaz, Recording Secretary

Others:         Karen Isherwood, P.E. – Design Professionals

Chairman Joseph Carino called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.  The following actions were taken during the September 1, 2009 Regular Meeting of the W.P.C.A.

Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Richard Siedman to sit in for Mr. Robert Dickinson.  Also, Chairman Carino appointed Mr. Thomas Deming to sit in for Mr. Richard Aries.

Motion was made to move to Item C1 – South Windsor Stone & Landscape Supply, LLC. 724 Strong Road, (Approval to Connect).

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously


1.      South Windsor Stone & Landscape Supply, LLC., 724 Strong Road, (Approval to Connect)

This is a project located near the intersection of John Fitch Boulevard and Strong Road.  Ms. Karen Isherwood from Design Professionals was in attendance to present the application.  She explained that this location is currently known as 287 Strong Road.  The owner is proposing to establish a landscape materials sales center requiring 2,000 square feet of area.  It is also proposed to establish two independent self-storage buildings and a gravel parking lot.  This property will be serviced by a private well.  The applicant is requesting approval to connect to the existing sewer main located on Strong.  An existing lateral is accessible for this purpose.  Ms. Isherwood also reported that this project is in the sewer service area and has been approved by Planning & Zoning Commission and the Inland/Wetlands Commission.

As part of this project the Authority requested a water meter to be installed which may be used to measure the amount of water that is discharged to the sewer.

Motion to approve the connection of property located at 724 Strong Road, South Windsor, CT to the Town’s sewer system, as more specifically shown on plans entitled “South Windsor Stone & Landscape Supply, LLC., Special Exception/Site Plan” Prepared by Design Professionals, South Windsor, CT; Sheet 3/5 - Dated May 19, 2009, Job No.: 2646, Revisions Dates: 5-22-09, 6-17-09, 7-7-09, 7-22-09, and 8-17-09.  This approval is subject to the following conditions: (1) addition of a water meter which may be used to measure the amount of water that is discharged to the sewer.  The Town Official will inspect and approve the size and the location of the meter; (2) also will be subject to the requirements of Section 16 “Sewer User Charges and the Collection Thereof” paragraph 16.3 “Small Industries”, and (3) final technical approval of the Town of South Windsor Engineering Department.

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
Motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Motion was made to move back to Item B – “Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings”.

Motion was made by Chairman Joseph Carino
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


1.      June 2, 2009 – Public Hearing

Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented of the June 2, 2009 Public Hearing.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

2.      June 2, 2009 – Regular Meeting

On page 3, Item 5 “Prorated user Charge Regulation Change”, 2nd paragraph, the Authority reviewed and made some grammar corrections to the 1st sentence; the sentence should read as follows: “Mr. Carino feels residents should not have to pay upfront and wait until the end of the year to get a refund for a period of time when not connected to a potable water supply.”

Motion was made to accept the minutes as corrected of the June 2, 2009 Regular Meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
Motion was seconded by Chairman Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously

3.      June 22, 2009 – Special Meeting

Motion was made to accept the minutes as presented of the June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting.

Motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion was seconded by Chairman Joseph Carino
The motion carried unanimously


2.      Prorated User Charge Rebate (approval)

In a memorandum from Mr. Fred Shaw dated September 1, 2009 (see Exhibit A) Mr. Shaw explained that at the end of Fiscal Year 2008/2009 he inspected the listed properties on Wildlife Trail, and confirmed that none were connected to a potable water supply.  Mr. Shaw also explained that these properties met the criteria established by the Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) for refunding prorated user fees.  These properties were previously discussed, when the owner came in to discuss this issue.  Therefore, Mr. Shaw recommended that the sewer user charges paid by the owner be refunded as identified on Exhibit A.

Motion to accept the prorated user charge rebate as presented in the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated September 1, 2009 attached hereto as Exhibit A.

Motion was made by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion was seconded by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion carried unanimously

3.      835 John Fitch Boulevard sewer charge adjustment (approval)

A Memorandum from Mr. Shaw (see Exhibit B) requested a sewer charge adjustment for property located at 835 John Fitch Boulevard.  This adjustment is from $9,283.95 to $581.93.  Mr. Fred Shaw explained that a significant increase in flow was reported by the water company as having been used at this property.  The owner called up and explained that there was a problem with a broken line and it was a big leak.  Mr. Shaw received confirmation from the MDC that there was a leak and provided estimate of the amount of water that the MDC believed was lost, and not discharged to the sewer system.

Motion was made to accept the sewer charge adjustment for 835 John Fitch Boulevard.

The motion was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

4.      Residential Sewer User Charge billing for FY2009/2010 (Authorization)

Mr. Shaw provided a Memorandum to the Authority (Exhibit C).  The memo states that there have been 46 new residential sewer connections during the past year; representing an increase of 0.6% as compared with the previous year.  The proposed residential sewer billing list includes 7,991 units totaling $2,736,004 in revenue.

Chairman Carino stated that the pumping stations will be updated as required and the fee will be reflected in the user charge.

Motion was made to approve the Residential Sewer User Charge billing list for FY2009/2010 as presented in the Memorandum from Mr. Shaw dated September 1, 2009 attached hereto as Exhibit C.

The motion was made by Mr. Richard Ferrero
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously

Mr. Richard Siedman raised some issues regarding the commercial/industrial properties that are not metered.  He referred to an article that he read regarding the Town of Manchester.  Mr. Siedman explained that the Town imposes a very high estimated flow rate for purposes of calculating sewer user charges where the flow is not metered.  Mr. Shaw explained that in the South Windsor regulations, the Authority can require the commercial/industrial businesses to put in a meter.  The Town should follow its own regulations.

Mr. Thomas Deming and Frank Ferrero suggested following a similar procedure to the FOG regulation, where there is a $99 per day charge for failure to comply.  Mr. Shaw will review this with the Town Attorney and report back to the Authority.


Mr. Shaw reported on the Treatment Plant construction project. ; It is on schedule.  He also reported that the Town staff is still dealing with the State Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) concerning the grant and loan for this project.  The DEP will not give the Town the grant or loan to extend sewers into areas where there is prime farm land.  An engineer was hired to put together maps which showed the Town sewer service area and this information was submitted to DEP last March.  However, the map that was provided included some errors.  The DEP has requested that the Town obtain approval from the WPCA for the proposed sewer service area map.  Mr. Shaw provided a copy of this map to the Authority (Exhibit D).  Mr. Shaw explained that this map is consistent with the OPM plan of conservation and development as required.  The Authority reviewed the map and identified certain locations that should be identified with sewers but were shown as not sewered; Mr. Shaw will update this map.  Mr. Shaw also reported that the DEP staff said that if there was an area where there was existing houses with failed systems, they would allow the Town to extend sewers.  Mr. Shaw requested approval of this map as there is some urgency in approving this map because this matter has to be resolved before the Town can obtain the grant and the loan for this project.

Motion was made to move to the Agenda Item C5 – Approval of Future Sewer Service Areas.

The motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously


5.      Approval of Future Sewer Service Areas

Motion to approve the Map of the Future Sewer Service Areas for the Town of South Windsor subject to the minor corrections.

The motion was made by Mr. Frank Ferrero
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thomas Deming
The motion carried unanimously


Mr. Shaw also reported that the design for the Ellington Road pumping station was completed and an Invitation to Bid will appear in the paper on Thursday, September 3, 2009.  A Prebid conference will be held on September 17, 2009 and the opening of the bids will be on October 1, 2009.

Chairman Carino reported that he wrote a letter to the Town Attorney asking him for his legal opinion as to who should make the final vote when alternates sit in for an absent regular member.  The Town Attorney’s recommendation is that “a regular member who has not been present during a course of a public hearing or other informational meeting where significant evidence has been presented should refrain from voting on the matter unless he or she has thoroughly familiarized himself or herself with the entire record”.

Upon review of the verbatim minutes of June 22, 2009 special meeting, Chairman Carino explained to the members that a more uniform and coordinated meeting is required and asked members to allow the person the opportunity to finish speaking.




Mr. Richard Siedman raised his concern regarding the budget and stated that any large expenditures should be deferred if possible during these difficult economic times.  Mr. Fred Shaw responded that the WPCA have a management agreement with the Town; and that any purchase orders are reviewed by the Town Manager to ensure that each purchase is necessary and within budget.



Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.

Was made by Mr. Thomas Deming
Seconded by Mr. Richard Siedman
The motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Ether A. Diaz
Recording Secretary

Originally Posted: September 8, 2009
Date Approved: November 4, 2009